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Ukraine Support Fund – One year on

In March, 2022, the Foundation launched the Ukraine Support Fund. Alongside the €50,000 pledged by the Foundation and €5,000 from Moore Ireland, we received almost €20,000 in additional donations from credit unions – thank you!

The purpose of the fund was to support initial humanitarian efforts and the credit union movement, who we have previously provided technical support to over the years. The humanitarian fund was directed through the Irish Emergency Alliance (IEA), a consortium of seven Irish charities which worked with on-the-ground local charities – to provide urgently needed support and essential supplies to families fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. The Foundation’s donation was used by the IEA to secure supplies of medicines and other medical equipment. The funding was part of a larger fund which helped to set up mobile health clinics and ensure medical personnel were trained to staff them. Care services for orphans were also prioritised as part of the IEA’s support.

The funding for the credit union movement was directed through the Ukrainian National Association of Credit Unions (UNASCU), a national credit union apex body. The Foundation’s support allowed UNASCU to support credit union members, retain employees and help many families and people during these very difficult times. Throughout this crisis, the Foundation have maintained contact with Lyudmila Kravchenko, the Vice President of UNASCU. Lyudmila has shared a short video with us to thank the Foundation and the Irish credit unions for your support to UNASCU’s work.

Thank you to the credit unions who donated, and Moore Ireland, for helping us to do what we can to help the people of Ukraine and our fellow credit unions. Going forward, the Foundation will continue to support UNASCU, if your credit union wishes to donate funds towards this, please contact Ashley Harte, email: aharte@creditunion.ie | call: +353 16146739