+353 (0) 1 614 6700
+353 (0) 1 614 6700

Our Colleagues

Working for the Foundation

Our Colleagues

The Foundation has a small team of six full time staff, and two part-time staff all of whom have backgrounds working in the development sector. The Foundation is also very fortunate to have the support and expertise of our colleagues in the Irish League of Credit Unions, which helps us to share the Irish Credit Union experience to support the development of fellow credit union movements. From time to time we also engage Technical Advisors for specific projects on a short-term basis.

Alan Moore – CEO

Alan has overall responsibility for the day to day management of the Foundation covering areas such as; managing its staff; providing assistance and support to the Foundation Board; strategic development; monitoring & evaluation; communication; financial management; fundraising; innovation and learning.

Tel: +353 0 (1) 614 6930
Email: amoore@creditunion.ie


Ashley Harte – Engagement Officer

Ashley’s main focus is leading and enhancing the promotional and fundraising activities of the Foundation at local and at national level. Her role also includes organising and managing specific engagement programmes.

Tel: +353 0 (1) 614 6739
Email: aharte@creditunion.ie


Sinéad Lynam – Training & Fundraising

Sinéad’s role is to develop and streamline training for local partners including working to build the capacity of key personnel in the movement across Africa. Sinéad also supports the fundraising activities, to ensure diversification of funding streams.

Tel: +353 0 (1) 614 6945
Email: slynam@creditunion.ie


Donagh Healy – International Programme Manager

Sinéad’s role is to develop and streamline training for local partners including working to build the capacity of key personnel in the movement across Africa. Sinéad also supports the fundraising activities, to ensure diversification of funding streams.

Tel: +353 0 (1) 614 6746
Email: dhealy@creditunion.ie


Gillian Hunt – Desk Officer

Sinéad’s role is to develop and streamline training for local partners including working to build the capacity of key personnel in the movement across Africa. Sinéad also supports the fundraising activities, to ensure diversification of funding streams.

Tel: +353 0 (1) 614 6746
Email: ghunt@creditunion.ie


Aoife MacNamara – Compliance Officer

Aoife’s main roles are to ensure that the Foundation is fully compliant with all Foundation and donor rules and regulations; in addition to assuming responsibility for the coordination of donor audits.

Tel: 353 0 (1) 614 6768
Email: amcnamara@creditunion.ie


Conor Thornton – Programme Support Officer

Leonor is responsible for supporting the team in the implementation of all ongoing programmes and projects including budgeting, report writing and organising logistics. Leonor is also responsible for managing key administrative work.

Tel: 353 0 (1) 614 6746
Email: cthornton@creditunion.ie

+353 (0) 1 614 6700
