+353 (0) 1 614 6700
+353 (0) 1 614 6700

Member Stories

People Included

Members Stories

Credit unions are owned by members, they are at the heart of the credit union and all decisions taken. Having access to secure savings and affordable credit provided by credit unions can have a big impact on the lives of the members and their families.


Everyone needs an ally at some point in their lives. When we find one, it can make all the difference in the world. Our purpose is to assist people in developing countries to gain access to ethical savings and loans so that they can build a better future for themselves and their families.

Together Building Financial Inclusion

Hassan's Story

“They’ve taught us how to spend our money in a way that will benefit us in the long run, no matter we what we’re doing. I am proud of who I am now.

Hajat's Story

“I can now support my children’s education so they may achieve a better life. I will get satisfaction from their success.

Mariatou's Story

“I am grateful to my credit union because it supported me with a loan and helped me to earn extra income for my family.”

Wosenu's Story

“I’m so thankful because now I have a new modern house, four cows, three oxen, and three horses.”

Marie's Story

“I am grateful to my credit union for supporting my budding business and my dreams.”